We are thrilled to announce a restart of our small group ministry at Founders, led and organized by Pastor Jon Anderson. Small groups afford you the opportunity to minister to other families in the church along with regular fellowship and exhortation. The main goal at these meetings is taking part in a guided discussion from the Bible that focuses on the application and implications of Pastor Richard’s preaching. Click the link below for more information.
Please join us for the Wise Woman Conference, June 6-7, 2025. This year's conference theme is "The Journey of Faith." Our keynote speakers are Richard Caldwell and Shelbi Cullen.
Adult Bible Fellowships are offered year-round on Sunday mornings at 9 AM. Please join us for this time of Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. For a listing of ABFs for adults of all ages, click the link below.
FoundersCare empowers Founders Baptist Church members to use their gifts in service to Christ and the community. Rooted in scripture and prayer, it fosters unity and spiritual growth, encouraging love, sacrifice, and service. Join us in bearing each other's burdens and stewarding our gifts to glorify God together.
The Women of Founders Spring Bible Study, "Luke: The Savior of the World," will meet on Wednesdays, February 19 - April 30, 9:00 - 10:30 AM and 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Please join us as we pursue knowing and loving Christ by studying his life and ministry in the gospel of Luke.
If you are having trouble watching our stream through SermonAudio.com, try watching our webcast on Facebook or YouTube. Click the link below.
We are currently equipping a team to relocate to Katy to labor there in local church ministry. Learn more about the ongoing efforts to plant a church in the Katy area and how you can get involved.
Join Dr. Richard Caldwell, Dr. Josh Philpot, and their guests as they discuss news events, current affairs, and cultural issues from a Biblical point of view. The Straight Truth Podcast is a weekly opinion show which is available as an audio podcast on iTunes or as a video podcast through YouTube or Vimeo.
Adventure club encourages kids to see the importance of memorizing Scripture, while including systematic theology, based off of MacArthur's book, Biblical Doctrine. This program is for 4 year olds-6th grade, and meets every Wednesday night during the school year from 6:30-8pm.
24724 Aldine Westfield Rd Spring, Texas 77373
Get Directions9:00am (Bible study) 10:30am (Worship)
6:30pm (Worship)
WHEN: February 14-16, 2020
WHERE: Camp Tejas in Giddings, TX (https://www.mytejas.org/)
THEME: SHINE: living distinctively for Christ in a dark world
COST: $155 per student ($77.50 for each additional sibling) ; After 12/21/19 price increases to $175 ($87.50 for each additional sibling)
SPEAKER: Josh Petras- high school pastor from Grace Community Church in California
Registration is now open. Online registration link
There is a $25 registration fee due at the time of registration which will be applied towards your total cost of camp (after 12/20 the fee will be non-refundable).
At this time the only way to pay is by check or cash.
Once you have registered please print and turn in the Camp Tejas Waiver to Aaron or Tami.
All registrations and final payment must be made no later then 1/13/2020. After the 13th you will be placed on a waiting list.
If you have any questions please let us know!
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, The Lord is one. You shall love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And theses words shall be on your heart.
No doubt, most Christians know this verse very well. But have you ever stopped there without reading on to verses 7-9?
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
The natural outflow of loving God with heart/soul/strength is telling others about this love, or about the object of that love. For those with young children in their families, is it too much to ask Christian parents to imbibe the the notion of teaching their children about God and his way? Indeed, is it too much to ask them to do it in the home and with regularity?
Many parents work late into the night, and so making it their daily routine to read and teach the Bible to their children is more difficult (though not insurmountable). But too many parents are just lazy, too lazy to take 15 minutes of time before bed to pass the truth on to their children because they are more interested in TV and iPhone time free from distraction. We should be chided for our laziness. I want to encourage you to renew your commitment to your family this year. Let the Word be part of your daily routine. Let it be like an aroma in your house, and part of every full day: when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Our text this week is from Luke 17:22-37, which you can read here. Songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a playlist here:
1. Come Thou a Almighty King
2. The Solid Rock
3. 10,000 Reasons
4. O Great God.Here at Founders Baptist, our Adult Bible Fellowship classes help us live out the truths of the Word.
The goal the Founders Children’s Ministry is to live and teach and lead in such a way that our children grow up making much of God.
Multiply Student Ministry exists to glorify God by making disciples of the young men and women in the Spring area.
The missions effort at Founders Baptist Church seeks to further the spread of the good news of Jesus Christ to our own community and to the end of the earth
“Walking in Grace” Media Ministry is dedicated to providing study materials, sermon audio and video, books and other resources to the Founders church
We desire to provide quality, biblical education for families within and outside of our church.
We are committed to helping the women of Founders Baptist Church grow in knowing, loving, and serving the Lord.
Biblical Counseling/Discipleship is the Spirit-empowered process of one Christian coming along side another with words of encouragement, admonition, comfort and help