Preparing for Worship: February 16th, 2024

Text: Revelation 3:14-22
Title: “The Lukewarm Church”

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
  2. A Mighty Fortress
  3. All Sufficient Merit
  4. Come to Me
  5. O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer
  6. It Was Finished Upon That Cross
  7. How Great Is The Greatness Of God
  8. In Christ Alone
  9. Christ Our Wisdom
  10. All Glory Be to Christ

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Preparing for Worship: February 9th, 2024

Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Title: ”Loyalty to the One Who Loves Us”

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. Psalm 150
  2. Only a Holy God
  3. Behold Our God
  4. Jerusalem
  5. How Sweet and Aweful is this Place
  6. Blessed Are All
  7. Our Great God
  8. Psalm 90
  9. His Glory and My Good
  10. Holy Spirit, Living Breath Of God

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Preparing for Worship: Febuary 2nd, 2024

Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Title: ”Dead Churches"

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. All Creatures of Our God and King
  2. How Great
  3. You Are Worthy of Your Glory
  4. Shine into Our Night
  5. Not In Me
  6. None but Thee
  7. Your Will Be Done
  8. My Jesus I Love Thee
  9. We Sing As One
  10. I Surrender All

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Preparing for Worship: January 26th, 2024

Text: Matthew 22:23-33
Title: ”Marriage in Light of Eternity”

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. Christ Is Mine Forevermore
  2. Christ Our Hope In Life And Death
  3. How Great Is The Greatness Of God
  4. Psalm 90 (Satisfy Us with Your Love)
  5. Turn Your Eyes

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Preparing for Worship: January 19th, 2024

Text: Revelation 2:12-17
Title: ”Pergamum - Compromise Confronted”

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. How Great Is The Greatness Of God
  2. Come Thou Almighty King
  3. My Worth Is Not In What I Own
  4. He Will Keep You
  5. He Will Hold Me Fast
  6. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
  7. How Great Thou Art
  8. Jesus, Fount of Joy Eternal
  9. Ancient of Days
  10. Be Thou My Vision

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Preparing for Worship: January 12th, 2024

Text: Revelation 2:8-11
Title: ”The Suffering Church”

The songs we will sing this week include the following, provided in a YouTube playlist here and a Spotify playlist here:

  1. Psalm 46
  2. It Was Finished Upon That Cross
  3. Unto Him
  4. O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer
  5. Sovereign Over Us
  6. Solid Rock
  7. Praise To The Lord
  8. Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners
  9. I Will Be Still
  10. The Church’s One Foundation

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