Adult Bible Fellowship
Here at Founders Baptist, our Adult Bible Fellowship classes help us live out the truths of the Word. You will be encouraged in your walk with Christ through engaging studies and to be busy sharing your faith with others and in serving in this local church. Also, Adult Bible Fellowship is where you will meet with a smaller group of believers and develop close, intimate relationships. Each week you will be given the opportunity to share prayer requests and minister to one another. You will have many opportunities to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. All of these things and more are a part of Adult Bible Fellowshihp each and every week.
Recognizing there are many different people that make up the body of Christ, all having different needs in their walk, we have specific and general classes available. But either way, we are confident that at Founders you can find an Adult Bible Fellowship that will provide friends to walk the Christian life with and give you with opportunity to exercise your unique gifts for service to the body of Christ. Our classes are open, inviting, and excited to welcome new people at any time. Come and join us as we walk together with Christ and love one another!
Our Bible Fellowship classes begin at 9am every Sunday, followed by our time of corporate worship at 10:30.
ABF Fall 2024 Classes
Most of the Adult Bible Fellowship Classes are currently studying Proverbs Chapters 1-9. All classes are co-ed unless marked otherwise.
New Life (Jon Anderson), D209 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
College & Career (Aaron Wragg & Matt Karns), D203 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
Glory-Bound (Dean Waddle), D204 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
GraceLife (Phillip Marshall, Mark Northcutt, Chris Glass), D205 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
Men’s Class (Rick Kress); men all ages, D206 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
Spanish Bible Fellowship (Gerardo Ortiz, Edward Nun͂ez), Fellowship Hall - Administration Building
The Bereans (David Strassner), D207 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
The Encouragers (Diana Severance); ladies 40s & up, D202 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
Bible & Theology (Josh Philpot, Ryan Gainsford), D210 - 2nd Floor New Children’s Building
Family Life (Jason Gingrich, Kelly Cook), Seminary Room - Administration Building
New Members Orientation (Butch Thomas, Rodney Powell), Foyer - Gym
ABF Media
Leviticus with Dr. Josh Philpot
Philippians with Dr. Jon Anderson
2 Corinthians with Dr. Jon Anderson