Small Groups Restart

We are thrilled to announce a restart of our small group ministry at Founders, led and organized by Pastor Jon Anderson. Small groups afford you the opportunity to minister to other families in the church along with regular fellowship and exhortation. The main goal at these meetings is taking part in a guided discussion from the Bible that focuses on the application and implications of Pastor Richard’s preaching.

If this is something which you might have interest in attending or leading/hosting, we’d love to hear from you. We could use more leaders and host homes. Please reach out to Pastor Jon Anderson at to express your interest!

Small Groups

As Founders continues to grow, small groups afford another opportunity for church members to get know one another. The goal of small groups Spiritual fellowship is shared partnership we enjoy with one another when believers enjoy fellowship with God.

Small group leaders will guide and direct the discussion from the Word.

-sharpening,encouraging, and mutual edification is the result of spirit-filled believers spending time together

Most small groups meet every other week, on various weeknights. If you want to visit or join as mall group, please contact the church office about small group leaders and hosts. Joining a small group should come with a reasonable commitment—no family will be able to make meeting over a calendar year, but it should be regarded as something on your calendar in a typical month.